
Breathing Problems / Sleep Apnea


breathing problem in Children

Sleep Apnea

Breathing problems and sleep apnea in pediatric patients have significant consequences such as:

– Impaired growth
– Cardiovascular dysfunction
– Impaired academic performance
– Behavioral problems
– Persistent snoring
– Nocturnal enuresis (Bedwetting)

It also causes permanent changes in forms of patients’ face, jaws, and teeth:

– Smaller lower jaw (Mandibular retrognathia)
– Long and narrow face
– Open bite
– Narrow and deep palate
– Smaller midface (Midface deficiency)
– Steep angle of lower jaw (steep mandibular plane angle)

Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose breathing problems / sleep problems / Obstructive Sleep Apnea in children early so that it can be treated before it causes permanent damage to craniofacial structures and also patient’s general growth and development.

breathing problem in Adults

Man is sleeping

Traditional ceramic braces are tooth-colored, making them next-to-invisible. They are affixed to teeth, and wires are threaded through slots in the brackets. Wires are held to brackets by tiny rubber bands called “ligatures” or “o-rings.” Brackets are made of ceramic or porcelain materials. Wires are made of metal alloys and deliver a constant, gentle force to move teeth.

How orthodontic treatments can improve Breathing problem / sleep apnea


Dr. Shin works closely with ENT sleep specialist to provide thorough treatment to improve breathing.


Dr. Shin evaluates for risk for sleep apnea and breathing problem in every patient during consultation.


In patients with Sleep Apnea with underlying skeletal condition, expander can be used to improve breathing.


Other oral appliances can also be used to position lower jaw forward to allow better breathing.


After breathing improves with the use of oral appliances, orthodontic treatment is needed to adjust the bite to the newly established position of jaws.


In severe cases, orthognathic surgery to advance both jaws may be needed.